As a part of a majority of fandoms myself, I always find myself wanting to ask questions to the creators directly but never really knowing how to start, or really get a hold of them, or more often than not I'm too shy to even try.

So! I wanna be open with you guys just in case you have any questions for me!

If you have any questions/concerns that you would like to be answered by 'moi' directly, ask now! I'll be as transparent as I possibly can but also I don't want to release too many spoilers for any future matters. (That doesn't mean that you can't ask about what is to come in the future, but just that the answer might be vague as to keep some surprise)

Other than that! Ask away!

(Pssstt... Join the Discord https://discord.gg/vDb3EQ8c)

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Not so much a QNA question but more so just a shout out for remaining active and answering questions its nice you are constantly communicating progress with us and keeps me waiting to purchase to game when that time comes! My one question is do you anticipate that Act 2 will release before 2025?

Yes! Act 2 should very much be out before 2025, the timeline I estimated on the Discord server was roughly 45 days from today it should be out! Hopefully sooner... but we'll see :D