What do you prefer?

Short inquiry that crossed my mind :3

Do you prefer it when a game constantly outputs new and slightly changed versions so that it's actively being updated? (Like playing the game with unfinished sprites/drawings)

Or do you prefer it when a game releases one big update a long time between the last one, and play the game with the drastic and new changes all at once? [I prefer this one, but I'm checking with you guys just in case you want Act 2 NOW (but very unfinished of course)]

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ya latter is better


I think the latter option is better because if you update it frequently then we would experience chapter 2 worse (because of unfinished graphics/cgs and other) and when the finished version comes out we wouldn't be able to play it the same way again because the content was only updated (it would be just replaying through the same story).

Besides, you shouldn't be pressured by a time limit, if you think that something needs more time or that you need a break then go ahead and do what you want to do.


Even tho I do like it when people update regularly, the quality of a finished product is much much preferable, so definetly a big update that is polished


The latter is a more preferred option. As much as Act 2 is tempting. I'd rather just keep getting the updates and have something complete to look forward to.