What do you prefer?

Short inquiry that crossed my mind :3

Do you prefer it when a game constantly outputs new and slightly changed versions so that it's actively being updated? (Like playing the game with unfinished sprites/drawings)

Or do you prefer it when a game releases one big update a long time between the last one, and play the game with the drastic and new changes all at once? [I prefer this one, but I'm checking with you guys just in case you want Act 2 NOW (but very unfinished of course)]

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I'm horribly late, I know, I know, bully me. But to the topic, I like seeing WIP stuff.


ya latter is better

Deleted post

Even tho I do like it when people update regularly, the quality of a finished product is much much preferable, so definetly a big update that is polished


The latter is a more preferred option. As much as Act 2 is tempting. I'd rather just keep getting the updates and have something complete to look forward to.